Comments: 12
Familiar Diversions 7 years ago
Welcome to Booklikes! I hope you end up liking it here. :)
Read The World 7 years ago
Thank you!
Familiar Diversions 7 years ago
I'd only ever heard of book jars in the context of choosing a next read (all the books you want to read written down and put in a jar, you pull one out to choose what to read next), never as a way of tracking what you've read. Very cool. I used to keep paper lists of what I'd read and eventually moved to online tracking - much easier to search later on so I could see when I'd read something and what I thought about it.
Read The World 7 years ago
Yes, I've heard of those too! In my case, what I do is write in a small piece of paper: the title, the author, the number of pages and the date I finished. Then I fold it and put it in jar. It's really fun because I open it every January 1st, see how my year was in books, and start anew!
I've gradually moved to online tracking too, though. It's easier to track everything in Good reads than by hand I guess :)
BrokenTune 7 years ago
Welcome! :)
Read The World 7 years ago
Thank you!
Debbie's Spurts 7 years ago
Read The World 7 years ago
Thank you!
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Welcome to BookLikes - hope you like it here as much as we do. The place is a little quirky, a little buggy, but it's drowning in charm and really nice people. ;-) Let us know if we can help at all.
Read The World 7 years ago
Thanks! It sounds like my kind of place :)
7 years ago
Welcome to Booklikes!
Read The World 7 years ago