Comments: 6
AH@BadassBookReviews 11 years ago
I like that - "A Kindle Full of Lemons." I think that the good SPAs (and there are a few) get around by word of mouth. I remember an obscure little title 2 years ago - Angelfall - A bunch of us loved and spread the word about the book.
Linda Hilton 11 years ago
Sadly, it's not just the SPAs. I picked up a new-to-me Kindle freebie this morning published by "Wild Rose Press." Not that I'm unfamiliar with them, but for cryin' out loud, how do they get away with calling themselves publishers?
AH@BadassBookReviews 11 years ago
Budget cuts.
Linda Hilton 11 years ago
Budget cuts??? Or slow cash flow from crummy books. . . . . . .
...and I've (thankfully) just started reading a wonderful, gripping story by an SPA! After so many lemons, it feels wonderful to read a well-written story, no glaring grammar issues, excellent story line. Review to follow as soon as I'm finished...