Comments: 7
5 years ago
This is kind of dated now, but I still have a soft spot for it. It's just unrestrained creature feature fun!
Portable Magic 5 years ago
The first couple of pages, I was a little puzzled over where it was going, but by page 8 the bloodbath had started!
Jennifer's Books 5 years ago
Oh...yeah, I don't think this is one I could handle. D: At least the cover isn't scream inducing!

I hope you like it, though. I have The Secret of Crickley Hall by this same author. Haven't read it yet, but did watch the adaptation on Hulu.
Portable Magic 5 years ago
I haven’t read crickley hall yet. I get most of my books browsing through second hand bookshops and just don’t see Herbert very often.
Jennifer's Books 5 years ago
@PM, I happened upon the adaptation while browsing hulu one day, and thought it sounded interesting. And then it ended up having Tom Ellis in it, and that made it even better. ;) It was later that I found out it was based on a book, so I decided to check it out. Found a used copy on ThriftBooks.
Hol 5 years ago
I meant to read this one years ago, I might if you recommend it.