Comments: 3
Bookish Thoughts 11 years ago
I would definitely recommend The Graveyard Book, I wasn't overly keen on this one. I found it hard to get into and nearly gave up. There were bits of it that were great like some of the language and a number of scenes were exciting. Overall though, in my opinion, the plot got confusing and muddled and Tristan was a dull, boring character. I will still read some of his other works though, I think this is his least popular, from what I've heard.
I would definitely recommend the film, it is one of the few that's better than the book, in my opinion, partly due to the EXCELLENT cast, some lovely and magical effects and just a streamlining of the story. Tristan is still wet, though, unfortunately. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember it, which is saying a lot. But I own the movie, so... ;P
Bookish Thoughts 11 years ago
Brilliant, thanks for that recommendation. I will definitely keep an eye out for the film :) I might understand the actual plot better by watching it!