Comments: 11
I haven't read any, but a friend whose judgement I trust implicitly when it comes to book recommendations, has been on at me for ages to read Peter Ackroyd.
I'm cautious about Aykroyd, because I tried Lambs of London and it was TERRIBLE. But friends who have read his history of Britain (which is what I'm considering) think that is excellent.

Decisions, decisions.
Krazykiwi @ Kiwitopia 10 years ago
Yes, Ackroyd is very hit and miss for me. I think his "Biography of London" (sorry I've forgotten the precise name) is fabulous, but the one about "London Under" was.... poor. I was so disappointed because the topic was fascinating (all the things London is built on: The underground, the old cemeteries, the layers of ancient buildings).

On the bright side, I guess if you don't like the first book you pick of his, fair chance you'll like something else he wrote. I would to recommend grabbing his books from the library, rather than buying.
The one I'm looking at is on pretty steep sale ($1.99), so I make take a risk on it anyway, at that price.
Krazykiwi @ Kiwitopia 10 years ago
Oh yeah, that's definitely a bargain!
Carpe Librum 10 years ago
How do you create a multi-book post like this?

BTW - love Walter Lord. My book coming out this year is about a boy on the Titanic :-)
You see the "+" on the top bar of a text post form? That's where you add books. I think you can add ten that way.
Carpe Librum 10 years ago
Thank you!
Kaethe 10 years ago
I vouch for Vowell and Butler
Degrees of Affection 10 years ago
I'm attempting Ackroyd's Albion right now. It's a slog but I am retaining interest. I just feel he's throwing out a lot of unnecessarily long words and he keeps quoting Old and Middle English without always translating. But it's definitely challenging me and that doesn't happen often. I want to read/listen to his Shakespeare biography and I'm eying a couple other books.
Nicole~ 10 years ago
I've seen the movie adaptation for A Night to Remember, an accurate drama about the blunders that led to the Titanic disaster. Worth a read and a watch.