Agree with you.. It was mostly a farewell for me, but not a really good one.. I rather have a short novella with a "regular" HEA not this mushy staff that is SO out of character to the both of them.
I have so many emotions right now, none of them because of the plot itself, ALL of them because I'm more then just disappointed..
Wow! Thanks for the warning. The first 4 books in this series made me love Bones. I haven't read anything after with him for fear it would turn into the Cut & Run nightmare. I will stay away from this.
It might be better - Ultramarine has nailed it: it is so out of characte, it was a whole different ballpark. Especially for Cat. And I really got tired of how hot and dangerous and wow Bones is. It just is too much.
I liked the series about Vlad much better - and the other friends.
I'm not "built" this way, this is the last book, the final one, I wouldn't pass it anyhow.. not to mention I have no idea if any of it would be mentioned in the next Vlad or Ian's book. and since you have almost a full year for the next one, it's not that you are in any rush..
I'm more inclined to leave a series in the middle then skip the end.. but that's me :)
I'm not happy about walking away from a series, but if I feel like the H/h got their HEA, then it's much easier for me to do. I thought the 4th book should have been the last and that's where I'm leaving it in my head. Now if I could only "undo" reading the last Cut & Run book. That pretty much ruined the series for me.
I'm not a huge angst fan, but that wasn't it. I don't like when a couple gets their HEA and then act like they are ready to break up. They fought for what felt like the entire book to me. I really don't like when characters fight or don't trust each other. So I was super happy with the book right before the last one, and thought they would be happy together and fight crime together, and then got hit with that nightmare of a story. I felt like the author got tired of people telling her that the last book was too nice, so she decided to do a 180.
I think we got to the point with these two that "all was well" though it felt that Ty is still keeping things from Zane and in a relationship when you keep something THAT big it crushes the relationship. It was somehow "due to happen" so I didn't think it was her way of making angst where it wasn't suppose to be. I also appreciated that we got to see both of them breaking down because of one another, making them see how much they mean to each other and what they are willing to do, but what they aren't, like when Ty leaves near the end telling Zane he should be able to do this on his own. and that's something that happens in a relationship we lean on the other person and kinda forget the fight WE are suppose to fight not the other person for us.
About 10 years ago I went into a relationship and felt I wanted to be "fixed" by the guy. I needed him to do that FOR me. and when the relationship ended (not only but I think it was a lot to do with the fact that HE couldn't) I was left with all that happened before that relationship and realized I should have done it on my own. and that's how I see what happened with Zane and why this breaking down "had" to happen. for him to realize he should be able to make it without Ty.
Thanks for explaining why you enjoyed it. Looking at it from that viewpoint, I can appreciate the story a bit more. I still wished this would have happend in an earlier book. I don't like seeing an established couple spend an entire book fighting. I actually don't like reading about any couple fighting - especially for the majority of the book. That type of angst just doesn't work for me.
on that point I agree with you, this should have happened around book 4 or 5 not on the 7th and especially not on the one before the last in the series.
But since I read all of them one-after-the-other (just found the series when the 7th book was released) it was better then waiting for it for a year then getting a blow in the head..
That's an excellent point. If I would have read all 8 books straight through, I might not have been as livid as I was. Plus the stupid cliff ending. Ugh. I might read the last book, or I might not. I'm still ticked off:-)
I can't count how many times I read and re-read that scene in the end when they came for Ty, his reactions,Zane's the kiss. wow. I can't go there even now.. That was SO cruel. for Zane, for TY but mostly for US!!! since unlike Ty and Zane we are REAL people with REAL emotions to two made-up characters hehe
It was a real disappointment, cause I liked the series - but maybe I changed and became increasingly impatient and critical...
I have so many emotions right now, none of them because of the plot itself, ALL of them because I'm more then just disappointed..
I liked the series about Vlad much better - and the other friends.
I am still hoping for a love story for Ian.
So that is some consolation prize :-)
I'm more inclined to leave a series in the middle then skip the end.. but that's me :)
About 10 years ago I went into a relationship and felt I wanted to be "fixed" by the guy. I needed him to do that FOR me. and when the relationship ended (not only but I think it was a lot to do with the fact that HE couldn't) I was left with all that happened before that relationship and realized I should have done it on my own. and that's how I see what happened with Zane and why this breaking down "had" to happen. for him to realize he should be able to make it without Ty.
But since I read all of them one-after-the-other (just found the series when the 7th book was released) it was better then waiting for it for a year then getting a blow in the head..