Comments: 9
I love cats since my sister got one! We miss him, but she just adopted another kitty.

Great list.
Tackling Mt. TBR 11 years ago
Oh my gosh, #10! I thought I was the only one. Like, if I pretend I'm not lazy it will somehow be true, but on the inside, I just wish I could stare at my computer all day and eat junk food.
Tami 11 years ago
Thank you!
We had cats when I was growing up - it was awful, when my cat died, never had another one afterwards.
I have whole screenplays in my head when I get REALLY angry :-)
It helps when I have time to let some steam off - like with talking to myself in the bathroom and screaming at imaginary people...
KindleRomance 11 years ago
LOL!! I have so many angry arguments in my head - thank goodness I don't share them. Happy to hear there are others doing the same thing!
Portable Magic 11 years ago
I win all the arguments I have in my head.
Tami 11 years ago
Lol, that's the best thing about those kinds of arguments :-)
Tami 11 years ago
Thank you!!