Comments: 13
I am loving Heeland Coo!
Isn't he adorable? Of course I had to get one, too ... though only with a few years' delay, but still! I finally ran one to the ground at Glamis. :D
Yes! Entirely adorable! Did you meet the Thane of Glamis when you were there?
Also Harpy Knew Yer! (Or summat like that.)
Heh. :D Same to you! And no, didn't meet the Thane. Was shown the castle's haunted chambers (and chapel), however ...
Did you meet the ghost, then?
No. Too many tourists visiting on that day, I think!
That would put me off if I was a ghost.
Yeah -- that's what I figured as well ...
Of course, it puts me off whilst I'm alive, too...
I'm not a fan of crowds, either. But chances of having a place like Glamis to yourself are slim to none, short of knowing the Laird himself ...
Well, yes, some things are worth it.