Comments: 8
Mike Finn 5 years ago
I'll add this to my TBR
I think you might enjoy it (if you manage to disregard the "recusal" thing).
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Which few do you have left and do we overlap at all? Because a buddy read would be fun! I reposted my master tracking post, so if you see one on there that isn't crossed out that you want to reread, let me know!

I've been reading them in order, but I've come to the conclusion that order is inconsequential.
We're overlapping for all except two of those that I haven't read yet:

The Brading Collection (or: Mr Brading's Collection), 1950
Through the Wall, 1950
Ladies' Bane, 1952
Vanishing Point,, 1953
The Listening Eye, 1955
The Girl in the Cellar, 1961

I already own the first two of these (on Tigus's recommendation).

"The Girl in the Cellar" is available through Audible, but based on the blurbs, I don't think it's going to be a favorite, so I'm in no rush to get to it.

IIRC "Ladies' Bane" went down so-so with BT (it was her first Miss Silver, I think).

I'll happily go along any or all of the above, though!
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Mr. Brading's Collection is next up for me anyway - so let's go with that one. Let me know when!
Tomorrow or the day after? (I'm on a Miss Silver mini-binge ...)
Abandoned by user 5 years ago
Also, I still think that this one should have been called "Miss Silver Comes To Slay," which is the title that I had in my head when I started reading it!
Lol. Looking at the ending, it would definitely be an appropriate title ... :)