Comments: 3
BrokenTune 5 years ago
Hooray for Manning and HW! I've been binge-watching Killing Eve for the last four days (well, anytime that my patchy internet connection allowed) and HW's character in Series 3 cracks me up.

I hope you like the book(s). The atmosphere she creates in the first one is certainly memorable. Books 2 and 3, less so, but they do provide a great picture of the plight of people stranded in the circumstances of the time.
I'm certainly enjoying it so far. (If one can "enjoy" a novel set in this time and place.) And is it just me, or does Yakimov come off more tragi*comic* in the screen adaptation than he does in the actual novel?

"Killing Eve" is only available in German via Amazon Prime (unless you're also willing to sign up for Starz, which I am not). So I'm going to have to rely on my old fallback, DVDs, for that one, I think ...
BrokenTune 5 years ago
You know, I haven't been able to get the dvd from the library, yet. It was on loan the last time I wanted to grab it. And now of course, they are closed. :(
So, I can't compare book Yaki to screen Yaki just, yet, but he was quite tragi-comical in the book. I liked him.