Comments: 8
The Boat Was My Friend 11 years ago
I agree with everything here (except for 2, because I FALL ASLEEP ON PLANES!), especially 1, 4 and 5 and I doubt these things will ever change lol!
BrokenTune 11 years ago
Me, too.
The Boat Was My Friend 11 years ago
oops. I've done that too once or twice actually!
JacketBookmarkUsers are us ...

Depends on how fat the book is for me, though. With very fat books, I may just end up placing the jacket on my bedside table until I've finished the book.
The Boat Was My Friend 11 years ago
yeah, that's what I do usually. However, I've lost a couple of covers that way..
Hehe, yes, either lost or ended up looking as bad as if I'd gone on using it as a bookmark!
Olga Godim 11 years ago
Ha-ha. Thanks for sharing. ##11 and 16 are the best!