Comments: 10
YouKneeK 10 years ago
Have you read anything else by Martin? He had a few other books listed in the back of this book, but I haven’t taken the time to look them up yet.
YouKneeK 10 years ago
I think I remember seeing that one… I’ll have to add it to the list. Thanks!
YouKneeK 10 years ago
Got it, thanks!
I really need to pick this up. I'm a Song of Ice and Fire fan, and half the fun is the theorizing since it isn't done, personally. But different strokes. ;)

He does some great short stories; I read his Dreamsongs I and gave the first four stars I've ever given to an short story collection to it.
YouKneeK 10 years ago
Thanks, that’s good to hear. Short stories are pretty hit or miss for me, so hopefully I’ll enjoy Martin’s short stories as much as you did!

I do a lot of theorizing about what will happen next in a book/series while I’m actually reading that book/series. That often includes between my reading sessions while I'm going about my daily routine. It’s a constant thing that I couldn’t turn off if I wanted to. But, for me, I start to lose that intensity and interest once I start reading something else. I invest myself heavily in whatever I’ve got going on at the moment so, once I get interested in a new book or series, I get absorbed by that. I'm also a one-book-at-a-time person for similar reasons.

My emotional momentum in the previous series is gone by the time the next book comes out and it takes some time to recapture it. I also usually forget a lot of the little nuances and details. I’ll remember the big things, which are the things that the author usually reminds you of anyway, but I love catching the more subtle intricacies of how everything fits together from book to book. I hate to feel like I'm missing things. Rereading would be a solution, but there's so much new stuff I want to read.

But I’m very grateful that I’m in the minority with my series-reading habits. If everybody were like me, I guess authors wouldn’t be able to sell enough of their first few books to justify continuing a series. :)
They are very hit-or-miss for me, too, generally, which is why I was so surprised I liked the entire collection!

Ah, yeah, I am not a one-book-at-a-time person, but I can see how you'd really want to read them all at once if that's how you read best. I'm kind of a "read everything you see or at least start it and then come back to it in a month or so" kind of person and I'm generally thinking about dozens of books at any given time. :x It gets weird for me.

I am like that with tv shows, though--one at a time and then all the way through from the beginning. :)
YouKneeK 10 years ago
I actually never realized how common it was for people to read multiple books at a time until I started participating on sites like this one. I did try that once when I was much younger, but there would inevitably be one book I was enjoying more than the rest so none of the other books seemed good to me if I forced myself to read them.

I guess I just have a one-track mind. Although I should clarify that I can multi-task when I have to! I wouldn’t survive in my job if I couldn’t. I just prefer to devote my brain cells to one thing at a time when I have the choice. It therefore probably won't surprise you when I say I'm the same way you are with TV shows. :)