Comments: 9
Tannat 8 years ago
I only read this relatively recently too, although I'd seen the movie several times. Glad you liked it!
YouKneeK 8 years ago
I was actually just this minute re-reading your review. I know I read it before, because I already had it marked as liked, but reviews are always more meaningful to me after I’m familiar with the story myself. If I’d remembered the comment you made near the end of your review, I could have saved myself some brief confusion. ;)
Tannat 8 years ago
Ah well, I tried.

And yes, reviews are more meaningful once you've read a book. I sometimes skim past people's reviews, actually, when I know I plan to read a book and I don't want to spoil my impressions of it.
YouKneeK 8 years ago
I do something similar, depending on how soon I plan to read it. If I know I’ll read the book in the near future, I try to scroll past the review as quickly as possible without reading any of it. Otherwise, if it’s just a book I intend to read but I don’t know when, then I’ll try to just read the general impressions in the review and skim past any plot-specific parts.
My Never Ending List 8 years ago
Never read the book but I love the movie. I only watched the movie because my kids couldn't believe I've never seen it before. Is the book funny? I think this book would make a great graphic novel. Thanks for the review. I should read the novel now.
Tannat 8 years ago
The book is funny, but it's somewhat of an over-the-top funny. There's a taste of it in the movie though.
YouKneeK 8 years ago
I actually just finished watching the movie a little bit ago. I thought the book was funnier than the movie, but the book and movie are surprisingly different despite a very similar main story. It's mostly the tone that's different. I agree with Tannat that the book is more over-the-top, and I thought the main story is treated more as a satire in the book. There’s also a framing story that makes up a pretty large chunk of the book and has a much more cynical tone. The movie is a simple, feel-good story, whereas I didn’t see the book that way. I thought the book was more complex, ambiguous, and cynical.

I liked the book better, but that’s probably largely because I read it first, even if only by a few hours. The short time frame between reading the book and watching the movie may actually have had a greater influence on my opinion, because I still had the characters in my head the way I had imagined them from reading the book. Sometimes the acting and line deliveries in the movie clashed with that. I did enjoy the movie though, and I especially thought Buttercup was much more likeable in the movie. She was only occasionally annoying instead of constantly annoying.
My Never Ending List 8 years ago
I usually like books better than movies and to think that the book is funnier, I definitely have to read it. The book sounds more entertaining the more you two describe it, thanks. Oh Buttercup...
YouKneeK 8 years ago
I hope you do like it if you read it!