Comments: 8
Debbie's Spurts 7 years ago
Towel! Grab your towel!
Lol, have a goo laugh: my brother and I marched through most of Peru in 2 weeks, and among other thing we took a two days hiking trip across the Colca canion. We missed a towel dearly.
Debbie's Spurts 7 years ago
Oh, the things that are funny because so true. I have learned to pack even in checked luggage a towel, a roll of Charmin, a high watt light bulb (lud the lousy lighting in some hotels), a pair of scissors strong enough to open the tough clamshell plastic crap things I buy on vacation wind up having, and assorted plastic bags...with an extra bra, socks, flip flops and undies in whatever bag I carry with me (for when the checked luggage goes AWOL, I get stranded in airports or delayed/stranded enough one pair of shoes blisters or goes out).

Boy, have there ever been times I was glad I packed the towel and the toilet paper. And I have been on stitch retreats where everyone piles in my room because I had the good light bulbs.

Takes me longer nowadays to charge up the devices and pack the power cords than it does anything else.
LOL A light-bulb! I admit I take ALL the other ones (except we usually swap the scissors for a swiss knife), plus a bottle of water, and Ibuprofen, but I never though of a light-bulb. And yeah, tech has really messed with my lug-prep time. It used to be my dad could tell me he had to go on a long drive working trip and I would be set to go if I had half an hour. I'd probably have my phone die on me if I jumped like that now.
Hol 7 years ago
Yeah that's it exactly, wierd but funny. I read this earlier in the year for booklikes-opoly and I'm so glad I did. I don't think I'll read any more from the series though. Too strange! What about you?
Debbie's Spurts 7 years ago
I devoured all of them. The later books did take on more of a story arc.
I'll go for the second and see as I read :D
Hol 7 years ago
Good to know. Maybe I'll give one a try some time then. Thanks, Debbie.