Comments: 4
The Boat Was My Friend 11 years ago
"I think that Lady Chatterley's Lover is a book a lot of people have heard about, but perhaps not so many have read"

Guilty :)
aka Grasshopper 11 years ago
I have to confess, I read certain parts more than once :) Honestly, I don't think I ever read the entire novel.
Mona (guest) 11 years ago
I've never read this book either but I really liked the passages that you've been posting, so maybe I'll give it a try. It always reminds me of Pleasantville - I think the book is actually referenced in that movie? Or one of the characters reads it? I'm not sure.
Aerin 11 years ago
You might like it Mona. It's definitely a better option than, say, Fifty Shades of Grey. ;)