Comments: 4
Jessica (HDB) 9 years ago
I've had my eye on these! The podcast I listen to recommended them again today :).
I'm going to have to recommend Marvel Unlimited - or Marvel Unlimited Plus again. I read all these for my membership fee, which I paid less than a month ago. They have the first volumes of Mrs. Marvel, Captain Marvle and Silver Surfer which has a pretty amazing female lead.

Is it a big chunk of money at once? Yes, but it's going to pay for itself in the end. I'm absolutely loving it, and they're super easy to read.

ETA: these do have nice, strong female characters, but I feel like the more recent stuff - the Marvel Now stuff - is top of the line. There is also another Young Avengers in 2013, featuring a child Loki. It's quite spiffy. I'm reading that one now.
Jessica (HDB) 9 years ago
I'm wavering, but closer to a yes on this. I don't read a lot of Marvel, but this would give me an excuse to.
Ah, see, it was an easy choice for me. I read a lot of Marvel and started collecting before I headed off to college.