I got the Perez Wonder Woman, some Harley Quinn, and this Batgirl when they were on sale. I plan on getting more of Perez's WW, continuing with this Batgirl, and I want to get more Halo and Sprocket. Maybe some Princeless, too, but those aren't DC.
It's a digital comic- goes to print in installments. They took it back to her World War 2 origins, which is fine, but... NOTHING MUCH HAPPENS! I swear there was about five straight issues where all she did was walk around Boston ooh-ing and aah-ing about everything. What tha hell?!?
I thought I'd seen that cover. Troy, who suggested I read the Perez run, also liked this one very much. Interesting that you're now telling me not to read it! I probably won't, not unless DC ends up having a digital subscription service, too, and I can read all the comics for a flat price. I don't see myself extending that much for DC under other circumstances.
The Perez run after the Crisis reboot was good; plus it had lots of not-so-subtle hints about life on Themiscyra. For the 80s that was practically scandalous! lol
Yeah. Comics were testing the boundaries and trying to be more mature- Art imitating Life. So much great stuff, but had its share of crap as well. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... hehehe
Well, they tried. They gave us Graphic Novels, TMNT, The Dark Knight, Judge Dredd, Camelot 3000, Secret Wars, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Elfquest, Walt Simonson's run on Thor, John Byrne's run on FF & Superman, Perez on Teen Titans & Wonder Woman, Epic Illustrated, Heavy Metal, Jim Starlin's Dreadstar, Legion of Super Heroes Great Darkness Saga, fans actually calling a 900 number to vote for killing off Jason Todd as Robin... I could go on and on.