Comments: 2
9 years ago
To be fair,I never read as many comics/graphic novels as you.(I don't think anybody does)But I did like Vision,I was never a real Spider-man fan. :)
I like Spider-Man. He's just not a favorite. I had my heart set on that scene. My current crush/obsession is Vizh. Love, love, love. I did end up getting the junior novelization of Civil War for the pictures. I may get Alex Irvine's AoU for Vision, because those are the whole movies. I'm just debating on Kindle versus paper. I'm considering the Kindle version because no pictures, but I want to check out the price first. If it's full price, or close to it, I may get it at B&N because it'll be cheaper. And I like having Vision stuff in paper format.

And heh. I read a /lot/ of comics. Especially lately.