Comments: 10
I can't even put into words how enraged I am. I just... see red and want to start throwing books across the room. I had to stop so in case I tried throwing the new iPhone.

But thank you. Just typing all this out exhausted me. Book so, so bad. And it was insane - they wrote two or three characters well - Sunstreaker, Skywarp - but they weren't a huge part of the plot. Some truly mystifying choices here.

Also, this makes me feel like such a dork. I think this review just proves that I'm way too invested in the Aligned-verse, and might, sadly, know too much about it.
They did. So badly.

Still feel like a dork, but I'm okay wit that, too!
Thank you. I kinda wished I'd bought it in paper format and not digital, so I could fling it across the room. Like every time I picked it up.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
Damn. I see what you mean. You could be a content editor for this series. Sorry this was a let down :(
I just realized some of these are even worse. They are surprised that there are lifeforms that are carbon-based, and yet they know what a meat grinder is? Or they call themselves humanoid despite not having met organic beings, apparently?

Yeah. This.... was... special. I actually threw a tantrum about it today, and I was like, yeah, I know. But you have no idea how enraged this book makes me. I need to throw my mini-tantrum now.

Then we talked about what I was going to write in my review. I was like, I tore that motherfucker apart!

Thank you. I'm so sorry, too. It's worse when you're looking forward to the book, too, isn't it? *cries a little more* Hopefully the next TF book will kick-ass, though, right?
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
I hope the next will be full of awesome. And I agree, it's soooo much worse when you're looking forward to something :(
Yes, next one=best ever. It has to be!

And I have a new crush from this. Dredd's motorcycle, which got me out of my mini-slump. Suck it, Retribution.