Comments: 4
Kaia 11 years ago
Dear Loki:

The explanation is simple: White men. White men always being right is a staple of action stuff.
This explanation displeases Loki. On the other hand, it will make Loki's job of destroying their army and stealing all their wicked awesome Mecha that much easier, so Loki is pleased with the results.
TeaStitchRead 11 years ago
Loki can demand anything from me :D

As a vet, I got to say, those that disobey orders usually pose a huge security risk for the rest of us. One reckless move from the rebel and we are all sitting ducks. Seriously authors, not cool or realistic.
He also just got rewarded, and pretty much told he was special and a prodigy, and no way would they kick him out! Even for having a gene mod, although, really, more worried about disobeying orders myself.
