So I am not the only one??? I know that I don't give 5* easily, but it is so frustrating that no books even come close. There are great books, and I can give them 4* due to my experience when reading it, but one that is just awesome? It's difficult to find!! Maybe I have been reading wrong genre (it's not just MM, but urban fantasy/paranormal and mystery too :(
*raises hand* I'm another who's been struggling to find 5-star books this year. Have we all gotten more critical (certainly possible), has quality gone down (also possible), or has it gotten harder to find good books out of so many? Or is it a combo of all three?
I do like seeing an optimistic Kate, though! *grabs popcorn*
I think it is combination. I admit that I rarely ventured out to different genre. I rean MM, UF/Paranormal, and Mystery. So I know what I love, I know my standards... And books that can get my 5* should be really REALLY special. So that is what I expect from the genres. But at the same time it is getting harder to blown away by it. It is like, you request the same food and because you know your standards for the good ones, getting great ones required more
Aw, Kate, you know we're laughing *with* you, not *at* you. But I'm intrigued by the idea of cynicism being a suit of clothes one puts on... *goes to contemplate my wardrobe*
I've had a few this year that I really liked--Freedom by Jay Kirkpatrick (dystopia/sci-fi), Reawakening by Amy Rae Durreson (fantasy) and then Relief Valve by JL Merrow. There's been some not awesome stuff too, but don't lose hope. There will be something good out there (even if it's just the next Merthur Big Bang challenge.)
The thing is, I have those I love... They get 4*. But 5* is always something MORE for me. Unfortunately getting those that can make me feel more is not easy *sigh*. Even with Merthur fanfic, I must admit, many get my 4*. But 5* not necessarily. I am alwaya a bit harder with my 5*
I have gotten used to this. It's what I get for being an utterly picky reader. I'm jealous of friends who are not and enjoy most of the stuff they read.
I do like seeing an optimistic Kate, though! *grabs popcorn*