Comments: 15
Darth Pedant 6 years ago
You should get heaps of imaginary bonus points for making your own pennant. Go, Team Book Nerd! Wooo! :D
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Yay for imaginary bonus points! I knew Team Book Nerd would keep scoring points!
Murder by Death 6 years ago
I concur - imaginary bonus points for Ani's Team Book Nerd Pennant!

Also, really hope you find a book about nun assassins. :D
BrokenTune 6 years ago
To Team Book Nerd!!!

Also, I would like to know about the nun assassins, too. That sounds too good to miss.
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Yay for Team Book Nerd!

And also, the series I'd been thinking about is the 'His Fair Assassin' series by Robin LaFever. I loved all of them! So when I was thinking man or woman of the cloth, I immediately thought of nuns or priests... which somehow tracked me to nun assassins. If only there were others out there as well.
I love that pennant!!
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Thank you! All the scores for Team Book Nerd!
ALL the scores. And I think I'm going to steal that pennant ... if I may.
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Absolutely! I'm actually having a lot of fun flexing my usually non-existing artistic skills. =P
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
BTW, it's not on a transparent background though, so do with the white rectangular background what you must. I finished the pennant pretty late at night and was too tired to really perfect it.
Tell me again about your allegedly nonexistant artistic skills ...

I *think* since it's all straight lines I should be able to do away with the white background. No guarantees, though ... and for the moment I've just saved it as is. Thank you!
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
hehe These games are bringing out the creativity in me, that's for sure. Straight lines are usually my best bet, and I haven't flexed my artistic muscles in forever. =P
Well, this sure does look like some convincing flexing activity! :)
Oh god, I did the whole "short hair will be easier to manage" route in middle school. MISTAKE. Like yours, it was a wild mess. I have extremely thick hair, I get it thinned out every 8 weeks to give some semblance of manageability. Ponytail headaches, the struggle is real.
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
I learned my lesson so quickly about having short hair. And the girl who cut my hair was also all: "You just need to take about 5 to 8 minutes each morning to style it a little and it'll look great!" Um, no. Try about 30 minutes with no success since, one I'm no good at the styling thing, and two, I can't see the back of my head all that well to even see what I'm doing.

And yes, definitely--ponytail headaches, the struggle is absolutely real. I DO sometimes just have to break down and take some pain reliever for those headaches.