Comments: 14
Person Of Interest 6 years ago
Love your little monkey post-it notes. :) I hope you enjoy the Anatomist's Wife. I just finished listening to book three in the series, and as much as I like the premise of these books, the execution isn't really working for me. Other people seem to rate them highly, though, so you may too.
Murder by Death 6 years ago
I love them - and I hope you enjoy the first one Ani - but I don't think I'd like them much in audio; I suspect a big part of my enjoyment is the 'voice' they have in my head (I say this because I'm not a romance fan, and romance is a big part of this series); I'm guessing the voice I give them is a lot dryer and maybe snarkier than a narrator would give them. Though that's just my issue - sorry to hear they series isn't working for you PoI. :(
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago

I've seen a lot of love for 'The Anatomist's Wife' so I hope I'll like it, too. I've been looking forward to it, but it wouldn't be the first time I didn't like something everyone else loves. I'll keep in mind the audio version might not be as great, so I'll stick with print--mine is a Kindle book anyway.
BrokenTune 6 years ago
I love your goals and lottery. Penni looks like she's enjoyed supervising the task, too.
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
She had lots of fun, thanks! =D And I'm actually quite pumped up for the New Year... and hope that this fire keeps burning into the first few months of 2019!
Go monkey post-its! Go Penni lottery drawing supervisor! Love it. Hope you'll enjoy the book ... and for once not start the year with a slump. (100 books is impressive, though, either way! Well done!) Fingers crossed for the end-of-the-year games in 2019!
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
I was shuffling through my ridiculously huge horde of post-its and note paper trying to figure out which ones to use and came across the monkey ones. I was so, so excited and decided that I MUST use this for this task! hehe

Fingers crossed that I don't start the year with a slump either. I'm super pumped to jump into some of my new (as yet to be posted or announced) 2019 reading goals.

And yes, definitely fingers crossed for end-of-the-year games in 2019! Despite my random absences here and there, I've had a LOT of fun!
What do you mean, "random absences"? You've been one of the most "present" participants throughout the entire 2 months of the game! :)
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Oh... well. There were times where I'd be offline for about two or three days. I suppose I count that as random absences. lol I'm rather surprised with how well I've kept up with the game.
I've really come to look forward to your posts -- and I'm glad you're still continuing to update them!
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
Thank you! ::blushing::
No reason to blush -- I'm just happy about the enthusiasm this is seeing! :)
Ani's Book Abyss 6 years ago
You guys made an excellent game this year! Not that previous years weren't, but I think the Advent calendar theme was a great inclusion. The excitement of waiting for each new door reveal and the tasks was a wonderful way to get people intrigued, I think! =D
Thank you -- it's good to know that the format worked! :)