Hear, hear! Bring on magical and free metabolism for all! I've been needing this for the past couple years. Of course, it may also help if I would just stop eating junk food and start using that handy elliptical in my basement...
True story: when I was growing up in my very-roman-catholic household, my mom used to tell me heaven was the place where good people went and they could eat whatever they wanted, as much as they wanted, and never get fat. This was much more revealing of my mother's priorities than mine; until my early 20's I had a metabolism that mimicked a ferret on crack This also meant that it wasn't that big an incentive me to be 'good'. ::evil grin::
It's still not my idea of heaven, but I DO understand where it's coming from now. :[
lol Not that I needed incentive to be 'good' since I had my mother's voice in the back of my head telling me what not to do all the time, but that probably would have done it. Despite the fact that I wasn't really fat, my grandmother spent my childhood telling me I was overweight. So I always thought I was fat. Little did I know that I was actually a pretty good size for my age back then.
I pretty much had an outstanding metabolism when I was in high school and ate like my teenage brothers without gaining any weight. It also helped that I played tennis in school and rough housed with my brothers like the best of them. Then college rolled around and 'Metabolism' decided to take an extended vacation... then vanished.
Except I didn't seem to get the memo until my first physical in years wherein my weight was NOT what I'd been expecting. Because I hadn't changed my eating habits, yet also stopped being as active, never once giving thought to the fact that that food had to go somewhere.
My 'come-to-jesus' moment (since we started off all catholic), was when I was looking through pictures and came across one taken outside my house. I asked out loud "who is that?" before I recognised MY PURSE. I looked like someone had stuck an air pump ... somewhere ... and let loose at full pressure. I was so overweight I didn't even KNOW WHO I WAS. That was the day all soda, bread and pasta was evicted from my kitchen. The pasta has squirmed its way back in, and bread gets visitation rights, but the soda ... permanently excommunicated. Thankfully that weight fell back off, but my eating habits in the last two years have been abysmal and I'm starting to look puffy again. :[
It's the pants size creep that's getting to me. I had dropped six pounds this past spring but have put it back on since the holidays. :( Considering I'm menopausal and can't really exercise due to my chronic pain issues, it's a miracle I haven't gained more weight.
I also cycle up and down with my carb consumption. Cutting pasta, bread and cookies out definitely helps me drop weight, but it's so damn hard to give them up cuz I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of them.
It's still not my idea of heaven, but I DO understand where it's coming from now. :[
I pretty much had an outstanding metabolism when I was in high school and ate like my teenage brothers without gaining any weight. It also helped that I played tennis in school and rough housed with my brothers like the best of them. Then college rolled around and 'Metabolism' decided to take an extended vacation... then vanished.
Except I didn't seem to get the memo until my first physical in years wherein my weight was NOT what I'd been expecting. Because I hadn't changed my eating habits, yet also stopped being as active, never once giving thought to the fact that that food had to go somewhere.
I also cycle up and down with my carb consumption. Cutting pasta, bread and cookies out definitely helps me drop weight, but it's so damn hard to give them up cuz I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of them.
And as a kid I'd have wanted that Magical-Prodigy-Child-Elf-Powered Homework Machine.
And can I just say, somehow I'd have wanted to see (though not necessarily meet) that Chinese vampire hopping down your hall?