Comments: 15
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
Just stay safe!!!! (And protect the little ones, the furry ones, and the ones with pages!)
Our fur babies are all set and locked up inside, much to their chagrin, LOL! And, oh yes, the books will be very protected. We're rather lucky because we live atop a very unusual (for Florida) hill, so we generally avoid flooding!
7 years ago
Be safe!
We'll definitely try! :)
7 years ago
Please be careful,and stay safe!
And if and when possible let people know on BL :)
It looks like it's moved west enough that we're not going to be very effected, thank goodness! Whew! :)
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Which coast are you on? My family is on the west, so I'm just waiting to see where Irma makes landfall before deciding if I need to get on a plane or not on Monday. If it turns north at all at this point it's likely my mother will lose her house.
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
Just watching now. Looks to be going up the west coast.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
Has it officially turned north?
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
That I don't know.
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
I'm watching reports right now, and they aren't saying anything about turning north officially.

Tracking shows landfall Sunday morning in south Florida, with west (Gulf) coast now more likely for direct hit than east (Atlandtic) coast. But the size of the storm is so huge -- 400 mile diameter?) that the whole Florida peninsula is going to be severely affected.
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
As of 9:40 p.m. Eastern Time (Florida), Irma still moving WEST @ 12 MPH. Hope this helps.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
No doubt of that - it's just a matter at this point whether her house floods or just collapses/blows away. If the storm doesn't turn north when they expect it to, it might stay off coast - you just never know with the damn things until they make landfall. When hurricane Charlie came through we were told it would hit us directly, only to have it turn south 30 minutes before hand and land 60 miles south of us. Negligible in terms of a category 5 hurricane, but it was the difference between total loss and no damage at all for us.

I have the national hurricane centre up and hit refresh compulsively - she's packed everything up that can be and protected as much as she can and is leaving to wait the storm out at my sister's house. I'll make the call whether I need to leave once Irma makes landfall. Hopefully I won't need to go.
Murder by Death 7 years ago
It does - thanks Linda. Now if only it will stay going WEST - or better yet SOUTH! Because Texas doesn't need Irma skulking around their shoreline either.
Linda Hilton 7 years ago
Fort Myers expecting 6 to 12 foot storm surge.