Comments: 7
ashwednesday 11 years ago
I should've just stuck with Garry Marshall o.O #PrettyWoman
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
"Stephanie being forced to face that horrible experience FOR A MAN and not for her own well-being or peace of mind?"
*puts on rageface*

ashwednesday 11 years ago
I KNOW. No words! I can't even x.x
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago
I feel like most authors these days have never gone through any sort of real trial in their lives. Nor has anyone they've ever fucking met. So many times I see strong themes handled without the depth they deserve. I just...can't. ARGH!!! DON'T FUCKING WRITE ABOUT IT IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO PERPETUATE STUPIDITY AND HORRIBLE STEREOTYPES. WRITE ABOUT SOMETHING YOU KNOW, LIKE SUNSHINE AND UNICORNS.

ashwednesday 11 years ago
True. I wouldn't actually mind a sunshine and unicorn book if done right…. okay maybe not, but the point is, I'd prefer it to a book dealing with heavier themes that get handled so carelessly.
Litchick's Hit List 11 years ago