Comments: 24
Url Phantomhive 11 years ago
I think it looks great!
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks! :)
Url Phantomhive 11 years ago
I've tried this for my blog (and am now using it), it's so nice you can really customize a lot! Thanks for making it!
Marianna 11 years ago
This sounds awesome!
I like my blog as is but I want to try this out because of all those little touches you added!

What is the twig engine?
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Twig is the template engine BookLikes uses. It has special tags that function similar to the PHP programming language but with limited usage so that it is safe to deploy on a large scale. More info here: and the options BookLikes provides, here:
Ilhem 11 years ago
oooh, aaaaah, and thanks! It sounds wonderful!
Very nice! I'd use it myself but I'm too attached to my background pictures. It looks absolutely lovely on your page, though.
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
You will have the option to upload your own background with this theme. You can also upload a header background too. The only background areas that can't be changed without custom CSS are where the post content is displayed, the footer and the side bar.
Sweet! Then I may give it a try. And good luck with this theme. I found it via a reblog, and I really, really like all the customization options.
Library Liz·ard 11 years ago
this looks great, thank you for making it available to everyone!
vysed 11 years ago
I have a quick question. I've just taken on this theme and I only want to change one tiny thing: At the top under my name, I have a quote with a link to the author. I don't want that to be blue. I'd prefer green to match my post titles. I tried to open the edit html and check by line number, but I decided, "Duh!" Best to just ask. Thank you, btw. It is a great theme!!
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Ah, I really mucked up on that last theme when I compressed all the style options. Sorry about that! You can quick fix this by adding the following to the Custom CSS option:
div.header-desc a { color: #037C4D; }
div.header-desc a:hover { color: #085A3A; }
vysed 11 years ago
You are awesome. Thanks!!! And nah, I love it! ETA: EEP!!! IT WORKED. Thanks again. It's perfect.
Karin's Book Nook 11 years ago
I really like the template. Thanks so much for creating it. I have one wish though. I chose the red color so I would like the Currently Reading and Recently Added to be white so the words will show up. I've tried to mess with the code, but to no avail. Where would I put my font color in order to make those words white? Thank you again.
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks and no problem! ;) You can adjust the link colour with this code in the Custom CSS box (it's at the very bottom of the customisation frame):
div.currently-reading h3 a, div.recently-added h3 a, div.favourite-books h3 a { color: #FFF; }
Karin's Book Nook 11 years ago
I just want to say thank you. I absolutely love your theme. You can see it at Thanks again.
Mikela 11 years ago
Love your new theme...will be exploring the options further over the next few days. Thanks for providing!
Mikela 11 years ago
Have been playing around with your new theme off and on for the last few hours and have to say again how much I love it. Have settled on a style for now but there's so much room for change that one never needs to be bored. Again, Thank you!!!
bookaneer 11 years ago
Thank you so much for your theme! I've been playing around with it and love how clean and customisable it is!
Martini 11 years ago
Thanks for the wonderful new design! :-)
I just started using it, and I've noticed something: It says "Following X" but "X Followers". I don't know if this was intended, but I just changed it for myself to say "X Following" and "X Followers".
ETA: Is there a way to adjust the colour of the reading challenge widget to the colour palette of the theme (mustard)?
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
You're welcome. :)

The following/followers was intentional but perhaps not semantically correct (I just didn't like how the blocks of text looked together or how the words flowed, so I flipped them). I love how you changed yours to barkeepers/barflies! :D

The reading challenge widget colours (green) are not changeable because the style they use is outside the theme files reach. You could change the white background to a different colour but since the widget is transparent it might look weird/become hard on the eyes. To change the white to mustard you would place this in the Custom CSS section:
div.widgets { background-color: #FFD92A; }

A bit off-topic but what I noticed on your blog is that some words aren't being translated. I'm not 100% sure how BL are doing translations since I couldn't find a link to a master translation file for which English words are safe/available for translation... but I'll be contacting BL soon about this and hopefully get the theme working with all the available languages too. ;)
Martini 11 years ago
Thank you! I wanted the following/followers to be somehow based on my name. However, I really hope nobody will refrain from following me/following me back for being called a barfly. ;-)

Thanks for your reply regarding the widget as well. I guess I'll just change the background colour and see how it looks. If it is too yellow, I'll simply leave it as it is now.

Concerning the language/translation issue: I didn't realise that the language settings would change the language of my blog, I thought it would only change the language of the site that is displayed to me! O.O
But you're right, the translation is a bit inconsistent. If BL should need any help with the remaining translations (to German), I'd be glad to help. :-)
The Butler Did It 11 years ago
Thanks for this great theme! It works just like I was hoping with my blog header. I'll be playing around with the look of the header for a while but I love how customizable this is!
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
You're welcome. I'm happy that you're enjoying the theme. :)