Comments: 14
SilverThistle 11 years ago
Great list! Wish I'd thought of adding pic's to mine!
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks and who knows... maybe there will be an Icebreaker 2.0 or you could use the Grim list as an about me and add the pics? I'm thinking about linking my list on my about page since it tells so much more than what I have there now. :D
vysed 11 years ago
I love that no matter whose list I've read so far, there is something I have in common with them. It makes me feel all warm and squishy. And not so weird and lonely. *group hug*
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
I've felt the same way and I must go over to Grim's and thank her again for baring her heart and getting us all to open up as well. *joins in the group hug* :)
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
What an amazing list!! Well done. I really enjoy getting to know my fellow bibliophiles better. :)
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks and I hope it was slightly entertaining and not too ramble-y... I sort of went off the deep end towards the end. XD
a TeMPLe of WoRDS 11 years ago
Not a bit. I have a habit of doing the same exact thing so it's very refreshing to see that I'm not the only one haha.
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks :) My cat is named Ziggy and I don't know how I missed putting that in. Named after Ziggy Stardust, perhaps this is a give-away at being a Bowie fan. :P
I wear glasses, too! And your kitty is adorable!

Love this whole list.
Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks :D
Jamie's Book Blog 11 years ago
Amazing list.

Very awesome about you and your husband.

3. We have a mad scientist in the house :D

10. Happy that you're a positive person. It's amazing what having a positive attitude can accomplish. I have alot of anxiety too and for some reason it's worse at night. I shake or have muscle twitches if I have to go out after dark and it bugs me because I'm so nervous. I'm always afraid I'll get pulled over by the cops and they'll think I'm on something :/ But I found that it got easier the more I forced myself to do things. At first I completely had to pretend like I had any confidence and make myself look at people. I started saying hi to everyone online and in real life. It's not always easy but it's getting easier. The more I pretend the more confidence I seem to really have. I hope it will get easier for you too.

Thank you for sharing :)

Ungh... Arrr... Books! 11 years ago
Thanks :) For my #10, part of my anxiety is like... visually stimulated? For instance if I'm riding with someone in the car and I can see the other cars clearly, I get extremely tense. With people I'm not shy and I'm probably average in the self-confidence department but sometimes I won't see the people I'm talking to (their faces become blank or motionless like a cardboard cutout) and that is just terrifying. Fortunately that doesn't happen often but that doesn't stop the faucet fingers. :/

My Internet phobia is kind of eye related too. I'll publish something and re-read it until it's memorised (and I'm terrible at memorising) and when I notice I'm doing it I still can't stop. The desire to not participate I think is to avoid that. But you are 100% correct in that the more you push yourself to face the things that cause the fear/panic (small steps for me atm) the easier it becomes. If you stop trying just a little bit it is so easy to fall back into the trap of not trying at all.

I hope you can keep on the path of keeping your anxiety in check and thank you for stopping by and sharing with me too.
Derrolyn Anderson 11 years ago
I thought I was the only one - I don't Facebook or Twitter either!
I have enough to keep me busy on Goodreads & Booklikes. We had some spawning guppies we put in with a beta, but it never would have occurred to me to try and cross-breed... COOL :)