Comments: 4
BrokenTune 5 years ago
Oh, I was hoping you would write a review for this one, but it is disappointing that James had no personality to speak of.

I have The Broken Girls and I have Silence for the Dead. Was The Broken Girls gothicky, too?
Lillelara 5 years ago
I really liked The Broken Girls and yes, it had a gothic feel to it. But it´s set in our time and somehow I like my gothic stories to have a historical setting. Preferably a Victorian one.

I have Lost Among The Living and The Haunting of Maddy Claire on my TBR and I will definitely give this author another shot. I just hope that she tones down on the romance in these books.
Wow, with this review, I'm amazed you're even giving the book 3 1/2 stars!
Lillelara 5 years ago
That´s the odd thing about this book: I was throughly entertained by it and these "flaws", well, they were there, but I was never annoyed by them.

This could easily have been a 4 or 4,5 star read, if the author would have focused more on the mystery instead of the romance. And it is not the books fault that I went into it expecting something different than I got.