Comments: 7
BrokenTune 4 years ago
Wow. The choir trip sounds awesome. How was it?

As for the book, ... geez, ... at least it sounds so dumb.
Your gif is hilarious, tho.
Lillelara 4 years ago
Singing in a choir with 1346 other people was quite amazing :). And the musical artists they had were incredibly good.

The venue, however, was a catastrophe: we weren´t allowed to take our own food with us (we had to pay for the expensive stuff that they were selling there), the security people were incredibly rude and we were supposed to get free water, but there were some issues with this as well. So we had drink tap water from the bath room.

And unfortunately there were some technical issues as well. For a whole stretch of time the audience couldn´t hear the choir sing. Which is a shame, tbh.
BrokenTune 4 years ago
Oh, that sucks. What venue was this? It must have been huge to be able to house such a large choir ... plus the rest of the production. Was this at the Elfi?

It's ridiculous tho that they didn't allow you to bring your own food and didn't provide drinks.
Lillelara 4 years ago
The show was at the Alsterdorfer Sporthalle.

However, a good friend of my aunt was singing with her choir at the Elfi and they haven´t been treated well there either. Who knows, maybe it´s a Hamburg thing to be rude to people.
The sining experience sounds amazing -- the venue experience decidedly less so. (I looked it up online and found this: ... wow, what a project!)

As for the book -- oh well. Sounds like you definitely did the right thing putting it out of its misery at last!
BrokenTune 4 years ago
Thanks for the link. That sounds like an epic project.
It definitely does.