Comments: 17
BookLikes 12 years ago
Looks perfect :-)
Brilliant - thank you! :)
Book-love 12 years ago
nice :)
I love thursdays because of you guys. :) Always something cool to unveil!
Oh,, that sounds great. After moving away from GR, that is something I missed, having a shelf widget on my blog. I am certainly going to try it out see how it looks on the blog, thanks.
The Page Sage 12 years ago
I felt the same as Gypsy Librarian on Books- it was one feature from GR I really missed. So glad widgets are available!
tuku 12 years ago
Hm. Different widget styles don't work for me! Embedded shelf always shows the wooden shelf style (no light and dark themes!). Help appreciated!
BookLikes 12 years ago
We'll take a look at this and fix it asap. Sorry!
This is really nice, however, it would be nice if the follower gadget can be customized a little better, it is too wide for the widget I use on my blog for followers.
BookLikes 12 years ago
Thanks for letting us know - we'll add width customization.
tuku 12 years ago
Another great addition would be the possibility to add books to the widget manually!
BookLikes 12 years ago
Thanks for suggestion.
Till Zier's Bookshelf 12 years ago
Nice! But why is the max number of books limited to 20
BookLikes 12 years ago
Actually it's 21. We can make it bigger - what number would suit you? Let us know :)
Till Zier's Bookshelf 12 years ago
What about 100 or more? I guess the more books I want to display, the more loading time the plugin will need?
BookLikes 12 years ago
We'll increase number of books in Shelf Widget to 50 to make the loading time comfy.