Comments: 26
consoul 11 years ago
booklikes App, maybe? Hopefully!!!
bucheule 11 years ago
Yay :D
Sprosse 11 years ago
Yeaaah :)
Pirlim Pem Pem 11 years ago
Good luck guys :) Can't wait to test your app :)
Jessica (HDB) 11 years ago
Oh my gosh, yay! I've been hoping
Diya90 11 years ago
Booklikes app...
Traumseele 11 years ago
Yaay! :)
this girl reading 11 years ago
yes! an app!
I hope there is one for the awesome Android and not just the dreadful iPhone.
I hope so too. I've just gotten an Android Tablet
BookLikes 11 years ago
have a closer look at photo hint ;)
Oh I think I know what it is now. It was difficult to see at first. Not much use to me though, I prefer to put my books in manually.
Karin's Book Nook 11 years ago
OH please be an app!!! If so, thank you thank you thank you.
Moyas Buchgewimmel 11 years ago
Scanner is nice, but I hope there will be an app too! That would be really great!
loquaciousreaders 11 years ago
Awesome! ^^
Elizziebooks 11 years ago
So excited!!!! yayyy
11 years ago
Android App?
papierflakes liest 11 years ago
Yay!!!! Veeeeery good idea! ;)
KatieMc 11 years ago
need beta testers?
Karin's Book Nook 11 years ago
I'm up to be a beta tester, too! I'm dying for the app to be ready.