Comments: 83
I noticed that when I imported my GR data all the start dates weren't imported and had to be added manually. Maybe you can look at that for future users who import their data?
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
We will look into that! Thanks! I'll let you know asap
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
Unfortunately there is no data about start dates in CSV from Goodreads.
That's very unfortunate, thanks for looking into it so quickly though!
Witty Little Knitter 11 years ago
I noticed exactly one of my reviews disappearing on GR. I had imported the CSV file from my GR-shelf (and had syncing turned on) but noticed that the book had the wrong cover here so I fixed that on my import-page. I didn't remove it, just changed it.
The next time I checked the review on GR it was gone. If I understand this post right it's impossible that this could have messed in any way with my GR-data?
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
When you changed the edition on BL - it got added with the eddition with the same ISBN on GR so the review shouldn't be deleted (just the book edition changed). Unfortunately ISBN are sometimes messed up in GR CSV files.
So, Dawid, does that mean that if I change editions of a book here at Booklikes while the syncro is off, or if I have it turned off, when it (if?) comes back on, will everything I changed here get changed over at GR?
Fran 11 years ago
I'm wondering about this, too. Will new activity on BL while sync is turned post to GR when/if it's up and running again?
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
Yup! That's the thing. CSV file from Goodreads doesn't have start date column. :/
SilverThistle 11 years ago
I'm just glad I got all my books over here before the pulled the plug. I still love Booklikes best, whatever happens. I don't for a second believe the fault is with BL api though, I'm not the only one either...

Everyone is talking about it, and that's a good thing. GR must have lost a lot of 'customer's' to BL if they're in this much of a tizzy about it.

Good job Booklikes! :D
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
:-) Thank you! :-)
BrokenTune 11 years ago
I responded to GR's email this morning advising that - as the only deletions that seem to have occurred on my account are deletions I made myself - their email (which seems to have been sent to just about anyone) blaming BookLikes for any and all deletions was inappropriate and misleading. Alas, it won't help anything...
JennyJen 11 years ago
Thanks for the info, though I didn't doubt BL for a second. Those reviews and shelvings were disappearing before the mass migration. Somebody always has to be blamed. Sorry it was BL. =/
AnnaMatsuyama 11 years ago
GoodReads are saying that other site can/may delete their user content? Then the issue is in GR and not in BookLikes.
Exactly ...
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
The issues goodreads is now blaming on booklikes have been ongoing for more than a year. Then exacerbated by recent staff level access to delete shelves, overcacity error messaged, slower cache = index problems, a few scheduled and unscheduled downtimes pre-shelf deleting announcement and booklikes exodus that said down for "database migration" ( I'm assuming new servers and/or amazon cloud), odd responses on disaster recovery/backup and restoring cintent issus, the extremely recent attempts to pull amazon data into the database in preparation of kindle integration, the iOS app leaks of private posts, et. al. -- somehow all are booklikes fault? Even if api issues, somehow goodreads api is booklikes fault? Not buying it. You guys are new to me and I take a long time to trust—but I'm not buying the goodreads-spiel.
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Gee, maybe the whole goodreads mess isn't real and the small group of temper tantrum authorzillas have hacked the system. Makes as much sense.
...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
The issues maybe Goodreads dug a deep hole, can't get out and needs a scape goat. Gee that sounds plausible too. I guess with enough effort one could make any scenario work. Just a thought.
Frankly, I'm not buying this.
Streisand effect in action.
Oops, sorry, just saw the questions. Thanks to "All Your Smut Belongs to Us" (love that blog title ... ) for stepping in and explaining in my stead! :)
nospin 11 years ago
Thanks so much for clearly explaining the process - much appreciated
stiesbooks 11 years ago
Actually I am missing some reviews and books I've read on Goodreads, I use both sites happily but I turned off sync a while ago.
This is a good example of why I don't use sync or import options and do everything manually. Sure it's extremely tedious and time consuming when first adding all your books to a new site, but I think there's less potential for errors and you can make sure data that isn't in the cvs file gets added.
Just based on the past two weeks, I absolutely trust what Dawid and Booklikes has to say and I'm pretty sure that GR is talking out of their posterior region.
stiesbooks 11 years ago
Please, there is no need for blame on either site. I work with computers and programing accidents can happen. It could come from BL or GRs and somethings are very hard to figure out. I use both sites happily and will continue to but I don't want to see BL become the site that just bashes GR either. Both are great for booklovers.
nospin 11 years ago
It is the way they handled the problem and choose to out the blame elsewhere that has people riled. BL has acted professionally and communicated with its users while Goodreads has not.
Bookworm Blurbs 11 years ago
Funny that goodreads is blaming booklikes for THEIR actions... I recently joined booklikes because goodreads was pulling people's reviews if they included any mention of author activity. Several of my reviews disappeared from goodreads BEFORE my move to booklikes. For the record, I am SO glad that I'm now a booklikes user! I like this site much better and wish that I had discovered it prior to using goodreads at all! :)
You can use import, not synchronization, just export your books from GR and import them here. They'll be in both places, and it's not an issue.
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
Nothing got mixed. We are using DD/MM/YYYY standard and Goodreads is MM/DD/YYYYY but still everything is converted right.
Dawid Piaskowski 11 years ago
I'll look into that!
The Romance Reader 11 years ago
I wonder if this is Goodreads way to spite people that have dumped them over their ridiculous new policy. The timing is just a little suspicious.
ThePassionateBookworm1 11 years ago
I really appreciate that you took the time to write this out and explain what's going on. And in terms that don't feel like your talking down to us OR blaming US for the mistakes. I personally am not sure who's end it's on, if anyones, glitches happen. Though I do wonder if Goodreads is just being a jealous big sibling.. who knows. I LOVE the sync option. I still visit goodreads, but the sync option makes me feel like i'm getting my reviews out to more places, but not spending ALL my time going to different sites. I hope it gets resolved and that Goodreads continues to work with your wonderful site and allows users to sync content again.
Batgrl: Bookish Hooha 11 years ago
I also want to say thanks for the post. Before GR began to suggest blame for this situation from the outside it also suggested Calibre was to blame. And of course the problem many of us have is that GR really abused our trust in its earlier "change policy and delete files/shelves but only tell users afterwards, and hide that announcement in a forum post." Now that we've learned to both mistrust their announcements and feel poorly treated by their customer service - they expect us to believe them when they blame something else for "new" deletions.

I don't suspect GR of actually knowing what's going on or plotting anything nefarious - but I'm certainly going to question everything they say now, after their recent poor-communications.
brilliant years 11 years ago
I'm one of the people whose books were removed from my GR account. Could it be that this happened because I had sychronisation on while I was importing the .csv file (and something went buggy)? Those books also didn't import to BL, despite being in the .csv file.
brilliant years 11 years ago
And now I notice the books in the end DID import to BL, but after the import finished? I now also have more books in BL than were in my csv file and I have not manually added any books here as far as I know...
brilliant years 11 years ago
Anyway, I would love to work with BL and figure out what happened. If I can be of any help in solving this mystery, let me know...
BookLikes 11 years ago
Hi. We'll check that. Could you please send us your csv file to , it will help us to figure out what happened. Thank you.
11 years ago
I imported all my books a number of months ago-- right after Amazon took over GR, since I didn't want to encourage The Borg. I'm thrilled with Booklikes and it just keeps better better and better. Even as an author who appreciated the reader attention and support on GR, I have no regrets about deleting my account there. And this just confirms I was right. Thanks, Booklikes.
hystericalcheezit 11 years ago
I bet you a thousand dollars that it's just GR staff being mean and jealous that a whole bunch of GR members have moved to BL.
Fran 11 years ago
I'm not sure what GR is attempting to achieve, but if the sync goes down for good and I have to choose between BL and GR, I'm staying here. Booklikes has a much better interface for me. But if the sync function can be re-enabled, I'll regularly log into Goodreads as I do now, to update book statuses from books prior to sync and also use their social features including RSS syndication and following authors. Syncing lets me be a productive member of both sites, but I really don't need two. Their call.
Ruined by Reading 11 years ago
Aw crap. You mean I actually have to go use GoodReads now? Booooooo.
Thanks for the reassurances but frankly I personally didn't need them. GR has been in cover your ass mode for several weeks and this is just the latest. GR writes the API code and dictates what a third party site can if the third party site is deleting something then that is a problem in code that was written by GR. Sorry GR, your users are not mindless idiots who will buy your blam e
Fran 11 years ago
Thanks for saying this. I was thinking the exact same thing.
I already posted it over there. I am Stefani over there.
It's here.

Feel free to repost anywhere you'd like under that name or this one, I don't mind either way.
BookLikes 11 years ago
Book Import has nothing to do with synchronization. The sync does not work for books waiting for import. Synchronization works only for books which are successfully imported and are already visible on your Shelf and on Import Page with status 'Imported'. As we mentioned in the post, if you've made changes to imported books (meaning visible on your Shelf), they will be mirrored on GR. If the import failed for some reason and no books occurred on your Shelf this did not affect your GR books as only changes made to shelved books are taken into consideration in sync.
Kinga's Books 11 years ago
I see lots of people have migrated/imported all their goodreads data into booklikes which is great because there is a lot of content there now.

Here is my minor quibble. When books are imported with their reviews it seems that the book title and author doesn't feature anywhere on that post, which is especially troubling when the cover is blank because I have no idea what the review is about. It is also diminishes the possibility of finding it through search function. Is there anyway we could add that info - maybe just as an automatic title of the post (which is now automatically empty). I also emailed this to contact@ just in case. Thanks for all your great work!

...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
Really? All of my book reviews that came over either had a copy of the cover with them or the plain green cover had the book title and author name on them and I've been working on replacing those with the actual book cover.
Kinga's Books 11 years ago
Yeah, on them when you click on them, I think. But when I scroll through people time lines I just see green rectangles.. :(
Kinga's Books 11 years ago
Yeah, on them when you click on them, I think. But when I scroll through people time lines I just see green rectangles.. :(

Kinga's Books 11 years ago
I'd like to just see them somewhere clearly. But that might be just me.
...Bookfanatic 11 years ago
I just took a look at my timeline and a couple of people I am following and the only books that don't show covers on my timeline are the ones that don't in fact have one because it was a short story or something of that nature and a cover was never made but I agree with what your saying especially if there's a lot of that on someone's time line and all you're seeing is little green boxes. I think it's up to the individual to fix it on their sight if the book cover didn't come through on the transfer. I know it's a pain in the behind but I've been working at it on my bookshelf just a little at a time whenever I have the opportunity. I'm like you I want to see the book cover without having to click on this or link to that or whatever needs to be done. I just want it there.
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Please note that back on goodreads photos and other content have definitely been moved from gr-assets servers to amazon's cloudfront. No gripes with that, why would amazon pay a cdn handler versus using their own cloud? But, they've obviously been mucking around with data and data caches, messed it up, and decided to blame booklikes. No announcement of cdn change like they made when over-capacity and explosion in number of members caused some previous changes (example of how data move was communicated before: ; heck, users were even asked to beta test to ensure working before goodreads data got touched -- how things have changed). Gee, it MUST BE BOOKLIKES FAULT IF GOODREADS HAS DATA PROBLEMS DURING THE TIME THEY ARE TRANSFERRING DATA TO AMAZON CLOUD AND DELETING A TON OF CONTENT NO LONGER IN CONTEXT CONSIDERED COMMUNITY TONE APPROPRIATE,
maggieandteddy 11 years ago
Thanks for nothing. I asked for help, waited 4 days. Oh well, I still on GR so no loss- except I will most likely lose touch with my friends that I chatted with on GR.
maggieandteddy 11 years ago
+ adding to my comment above. I don't know if anyone is paid on BookLikes but if I did my job like that, I will be in trouble with my boss!
The problem is on GR's end.
BookLikes 11 years ago
Is everything OK? Please let us know what the problem is and we'll help. Please write at with details.