Comments: 2
It's a Mad Mad World 9 years ago
I couldn't agree more about the book. I have read all the books, but to be honest, I would not recommend this book as the first book to read in this series. I mean it's not totally bad. There is just a bit too much stuff in the beginning that are just not that interesting. Not even for me who loves the books .. I do plan to reread the book sometime in the future to see if I like it better. Sometimes books are better a second time.
Bloggeretterized 9 years ago
Yes! Sometimes they are much better when you re-read them. I just don't feel like re-reading this one. Maybe if I check out another book in the series I might feel like re-reading this one. Like you said, this one is not totally bad but I would really have to have nothing on TBR to consider reading it again! :D