I prefer the American cover. I think they're both lovely and well done, but I always opt for the cover that uses more abstract images over somewhat generic character illustrations. I like that the US cover references both the Cinderella inspiration with the shoe, and the sci-fi elements with the mechanical bits. The Czech cover feels more generic to me.
Czech Cover. Even though I like the Cinderella aspect of the American cover, I never found it very pretty. The Czech cover looks really mystical. And have you noticed that Marissa Meyer became Marissa Meyerova? :D
I know. I just find it interesting that they do that to authors names. For me, those names are like titles or pseudonyms. Like Rowling. In Germany you will find her as Joanne K. Rowling but in the US it is always J.K. Rowling. I wonder if the do the "ova" to actress' names, too.
The American cover! :D I like how we can see the fairy tale aspect: the shoe resembling Cinderella but with a cyborg foot! :D Also, the font of the American cover! :D