Comments: 9
Yep, that's the one. Unless I can find my (old) copy, I can't be sure if the edition (or maybe just the printing) is exactly the same as my (new) copy. This one has the yellow diagonal stripe in the lower right and I don't think mine did, though I could easily be wrong about that. In any case, it was a minor miracle finding it just when I needed it -- in very good condition and for only 3 bucks.

As for Left Behind, I understand a Christian company produced films from the books, but I was referring to the new, big budget movie, starring Nicolas Cage. Good to know about the others, though.
It's bad, all right. I think the reviewers hated all the performances, too, but I think everyone was hampered by the script, which, as I indicated, isn't within nuclear shockwave distance of anything good.

And for a Biblical movie, it has virtually nothing to say about religion. Recently saw Noah, too, and I can only conclude that the truly Biblical epic is evidently dead. Noah at least was a good magical action movie.

Ah, but America has much more subtle ways of beheading civilization. : -)
10 years ago
Yay, about The Yellow Wallpaper. :)
I know, right? I don't know what I expected, but I know it surprised me.