I like the sound of it... I am of the mind that too much world building is a distraction, after all, we don't live in the entire universe that the author creates... Anyway. I'll give it a try.
Also, my library-system has 76 libraries and we don't have Geist either, only Pip's Peculiar Occurance books...
I didn't like the Peculiar Book at all about half way through, but Geist was the opposite and mostly got better. Not sure why Peculiar is so popular, except perhaps the steampunk aspect? I was going to offer to send Geist to you, but I'm guessing you are not in the U.S.? BTW, on your home BL blog page, the links to your other blog aren't working.
Also, my library-system has 76 libraries and we don't have Geist either, only Pip's Peculiar Occurance books...