I'm sorry to hear. I really had high hopes for this book. Think I might still give it a go though, because the idea of working against expectations of detective fiction kinda intrigues me. Unfortunately, books that might send me to sleep are not high on my priority list right now.
'Hm' is right!! I want to read your review. *off to look at Booklikes and LM* I assumed you understood it better than I did, or that I just wasn't in the mood. Although to be honest, I'm not sure I'd ever be in the mood.
Definitely not on LM. I requested a batch-delete or csv-review-override feature with the comment that I wanted to upload a more up-to-date CSV but that with the current setup, any books previously marked wouldn't be updated, and their response--without any clarification or permission from me-- was to delete all of my books and all of my reviews there. I don't mind, but I'm also not doing anything there for a while. Also can't find it on GR...I definitely remember writing one...ugh. Probably one of those instances where you write the whole review and GR crashes and you give up.
My ratings are heavily dependent on how many good and bad books I read around the same time. It came at a bad patch, and wasn't the worst book I read, so it got a 3.5. Probably should be a 3, which is (I think) basically equivalent to your 2, although I'm not precisely sure what your ratings correspond to.
I'm pretty good about using the GR scale. It was okay, means I didn't quit/hate it but wouldn't ever recommend, or just that that was my level of enjoyment but people that like the genre might like it more. Most of my books seem to be 3 to 4.
Wow, that sucks with LM. Rather shocking. I suppose they thought they were being helpful. Importing from GR is really only so helpful with my truncated reviews.
Yes, the Alice errors on GR were one of the main reasons I started Wordpress blogging. Now I usually write there and cut/paste everywhere else.
Ohhhhh! That's what an "alice error" meant! I always saw that on your GR profile and never knew what it was!
Yeah, LM was trying to be helpful, but I'm not thrilled with the response to "Feature request: I would like to be able to do a bulk replace with newer versions of reviews. If that isn't possible, since uploading a new csv will skip over existing entries, I'd like to be able to do a bulk delete of books or reviews" as "Yeah, a new CSV won't replace any reviews, just in case people have made review modifications on it at Leafmarks. I've removed your books, so you can now import a new file."
I guess the lesson is that with LM, be really, really careful what you wish for. I'm just going to leave my new 0-book status. No point spending effort there when a chance misunderstanding leads to a complete wipe. And yep, the likes/ couple of conversations under my reviews there were also deleted.
I used to keep a textfile and use notepad++ to type into that, but I swapped OSes and gedit doesn't autosave either. Not helpful. I've started keeping drafts on BL now--quite nice.
Yeah, a friend and I joked that 'Alice' could also have been modeled on the 'Alice' computer in the Resident Evil movies. So many lost reviews due to error when saving!
My ratings are heavily dependent on how many good and bad books I read around the same time. It came at a bad patch, and wasn't the worst book I read, so it got a 3.5. Probably should be a 3, which is (I think) basically equivalent to your 2, although I'm not precisely sure what your ratings correspond to.
Wow, that sucks with LM. Rather shocking. I suppose they thought they were being helpful. Importing from GR is really only so helpful with my truncated reviews.
Yes, the Alice errors on GR were one of the main reasons I started Wordpress blogging. Now I usually write there and cut/paste everywhere else.
Yeah, LM was trying to be helpful, but I'm not thrilled with the response to "Feature request: I would like to be able to do a bulk replace with newer versions of reviews. If that isn't possible, since uploading a new csv will skip over existing entries, I'd like to be able to do a bulk delete of books or reviews" as "Yeah, a new CSV won't replace any reviews, just in case people have made review modifications on it at Leafmarks. I've removed your books, so you can now import a new file."
I guess the lesson is that with LM, be really, really careful what you wish for. I'm just going to leave my new 0-book status. No point spending effort there when a chance misunderstanding leads to a complete wipe. And yep, the likes/ couple of conversations under my reviews there were also deleted.
I used to keep a textfile and use notepad++ to type into that, but I swapped OSes and gedit doesn't autosave either. Not helpful. I've started keeping drafts on BL now--quite nice.