Comments: 8
...Bookfanatic 12 years ago
I'm thinking not so much. I'm not a reviewer or anything, just someone who wants to be able to read books write a review be it good or bad if I felt really strongly about the book and discuss books in general with like minded people an apparently I don't get that right because some asshat wants to decide who is legit in this world and who isn't based on whether or not they liked his/her book. It's not his/her freaking decision on whether or not you or I like his book it's our. If that's not allowed here I think I'll just shut down my account on both sites and crawl back into my cave. At least I can read without all the writer wannabe drama. It just won't be as much fun. Fuck I hate this.
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
Voice of reason here. Let's just wait and see. I think he will make his own decisions and come to his own conclusions. Read on, friends. :)
...Bookfanatic 12 years ago
I sincerely hope you're right and I'm willing to give him the opportunity to do so.
Princess Eva Rose 12 years ago
These people are like a never ending nightmare. It's unbelievable the amount of time and energy they spent chasing around reviewers who merely review and join social sites just to read books for pleasure. This stuff is beyond the pale.
Spaceships and Love 12 years ago
This is just depressing as hell. I too have felt like it's time for perhaps a completely new resource for reviewers that isn't tainted by this dreadful stalking and is REVIEWER oriented. Anyway I sincerely hope that Dawid isn't in the pocket of a bunch of bullying stalkers. If he is...welp that will lead me to just dump any book site for a long time.
...Bookfanatic 12 years ago
Yeah my thoughts exactly ;(