Comments: 17
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
I am guessing that you could just delete the post? I will reblog this and try and get back to you.
Debbie's Spurts 12 years ago
I don't even see how I can delete a post...
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
Go into your "blog" tab on the dashboard. If you hover over a post, in the upper right hand corner you will see two buttons: edit and delete.
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
I just reblogged this, and then deleted the post. It still shows that the post was reblogged, but I don't think it exists any longer. I think that a better practice would be to a URL post, and paste in the link, with a note that says something like: "My friend who blogs @ "I'll think of a damn title later" wrote this amazing review of [book name}. Check it out!" Also, fill in the source box, so that there is both a link in the title, and a source link at the bottom.
I reblogged, then deleted. And bring your mouse to the upper right corner of the post. The corner will start to bend down, and you should see the option to edit and delete - two different buttons - on your own posts.
Ha, people have quick fingers. =P
Johnny on the spot, you all are!
I think I'm more used to Tumblr's automatic attributional system when you reblog stuff, but BookLikes is different in that it's not easy to tell who reblogs what or the original attributed sources. I think that works against the reblog system here for function. I don't mind people reblogging my stuff as far as status updates or reviews are concerned, just as long as the source is clear. If it gets lost, then that's a problem. I've had to catch myself on this several times getting used to BL.
It is a total friggin pain to go through the blog to edit/delete reblogs, but I'm doing it because I don't want to offend anybody. But ugh, if I could do this through the timeline, it would be SO much easier.
Abandoned by user 12 years ago
That is an awesome idea.
This is defo something for the Booklikes staff to tackle. An original source on all posts would make me less hesitant to reblog especially reviews. It's great to share stuff but I don't want to take credit accidentally. Maybe I'll send a little message let them know .....
Debbie's Spurts 12 years ago
Before reblogging, wade back to original post, copy that url, then hit "reblog" and at righthand side paste copied url into the "source" field, (optionally add a little note to please use source link at bottom of this post to add comments to the discussion), then "save" and the reblog goes to feed with source permanently showing no matter how many reblogged by abc, def, ghi chain of rebloggers it goes thru.

To keep a source permanently showing on posts you write no matter how often reblogged, before saving click "preview", go to preview and copy url, go back to the post you are writing, copy url into "source" field then edit to remove "?preview" characters at end of url, now save/post. (If you are like me, not necessarily a bad idea to save as draft until finished working on.)

A recent example I just posted of how that works/looks like in action:
OstensiblyA 12 years ago
You can do the edit/delete on your post in the dashboard, too. Saves a click. Those are the only two places to do it though, I think.