If you go into your setting menu (click on the gear in the right corner of your dashboard), you'll see a tab marked 'pages'. Should be the second from the last. It will have a green button with 'Add Page' on it. There you can give it a title, an address (such as if it's a previous post - such as some of mine are), and then a text box for whatever you want to put on it. Word of advice: your title shouldn't be too long. You'll see my last one is two part; if it wasn't the last one of the set, it would overlap the one below it. No idea why, but FYI. Hope this helps!
I usually try to avoid hardcovers because of the size, both for carrying around and storing. However, you bring up a great point about the creased spines on the paperbacks. Getting used books at Half Price Books has become an obsession, so I am getting more and more books with damaged spines, which is really annoying.
It's probably my major pet peeve, other then dog-earing pages *seethes just thinking about it*. That's why I always have bookmarks handy. I don't buy used paperbacks on the internet unless their listed as like-new or new edition. I will admit, that's one reason I love ebooks so much. Closer to paperback prices without the chance of those evil things. Now if I could just keep my ebook jacket clean...
You give all of your reviews a personal tag, like I can put, LNICozy on all of my cozy mystery reviews. Then you can put the link for that page to search that tag, eg: http://booklikes.com/dashboard?tag=LNICozy. Then when you click on that, it will bring up all of your cozy mystery reviews. Then I can do the same for historical, Amish, romance, whatever.
You give all of your reviews a personal tag, like I can put, LNICozy on all of my cozy mystery reviews. Then you can put the link for that page to search that tag, eg: http://booklikes.com/dashboard?tag=LNICozy. Then when you click on that, it will bring up all of your cozy mystery reviews. Then I can do the same for historical, Amish, romance, whatever.