Comments: 12
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
If you go into your setting menu (click on the gear in the right corner of your dashboard), you'll see a tab marked 'pages'. Should be the second from the last. It will have a green button with 'Add Page' on it. There you can give it a title, an address (such as if it's a previous post - such as some of mine are), and then a text box for whatever you want to put on it. Word of advice: your title shouldn't be too long. You'll see my last one is two part; if it wasn't the last one of the set, it would overlap the one below it. No idea why, but FYI. Hope this helps!
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
No problem! It took me awhile to figure it out. I'll agree about the tabs for posts, I can't seem to find anything after awhile.
Abandoned by user 11 years ago
Oooh, thank you for tagging me! I'll do it tomorrow.
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
No problem! I thought you might already have been but I didn't see a post on your page. I'm looking forward to your answers!
Lyssa's novel ideas 11 years ago
Thanks, I also wanted to get some extra pages. I was hoping to sort reviews, oh well . . .
Lyssa's novel ideas 11 years ago
I usually try to avoid hardcovers because of the size, both for carrying around and storing. However, you bring up a great point about the creased spines on the paperbacks. Getting used books at Half Price Books has become an obsession, so I am getting more and more books with damaged spines, which is really annoying.
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
It's probably my major pet peeve, other then dog-earing pages *seethes just thinking about it*. That's why I always have bookmarks handy. I don't buy used paperbacks on the internet unless their listed as like-new or new edition. I will admit, that's one reason I love ebooks so much. Closer to paperback prices without the chance of those evil things. Now if I could just keep my ebook jacket clean...
Lyssa's novel ideas 11 years ago
Okay, there is a way to do it, hat tip to Murder by Death

You give all of your reviews a personal tag, like I can put, LNICozy on all of my cozy mystery reviews. Then you can put the link for that page to search that tag, eg: Then when you click on that, it will bring up all of your cozy mystery reviews. Then I can do the same for historical, Amish, romance, whatever.
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
I knew there was a way, I just wasn't sure how. Good to know; I might start trying that.