Comments: 6
My best friend tried the book, and she thought the world building was incredibly beautiful and complex, but just couldn't get past the BDSM aspects of the book. She DNF'd it at about 90%. Carey's pretty damn brilliant (I just finished another book of hers, Bane Wreaker) and I think it just depends on what your threshold of tolerance is. No pun intended. xP
Debbie's Spurts 8 years ago
I'm more likely to balk at consent issues, underage issues and oppressions than the BDSM elements. I think by giving this character the twist of liking pain, I should be fine with that aspect. I am bothered that at age 10 she knows that already but suspending judgment cause of her background and upbringing.

New to me author. With some authors, I tend to skim over the sex scenes anyway unless remotely well-written and flows well with the story. I've lately run into some pretty l-o-n-g boring sex scenes (including BDSM and badly done attempts at BDSM) and jarring ones just randomly inserted a place or two without seeming to fit rest of book or involve any lust. Presumably because "sex sells" and FSoG books really sell rather than author telling the tale they imagined.
I've had this one a long time in my tbr, but I always hesitate because the whole pain thing it seem to revolve about
Debbie's Spurts 8 years ago
Well, if no one can reassure me the things that bother me are changing - or at least that this will be a group read rather than just me reading because I promised a friend -- I'm likely DNF'ing (or at least putting aside to read maybe 5% a couple of times a year until finishing).

Right now, what's bothering me is the enslaving, selling and grooming of children. Oh, I accept different societies view age of consent and prostitution differently (I personally don't feel where prostitution is illegal that it should be the prostitute who faces criminal charges and that breaking drug rings is a more effective "crime" prevention). And author s sliding past some of that by presenting as indenture where they can pay off their slavery, by contracts ensuring portion of fees go to paying off indenture, by repeating they have a choice -- as if children groomed from birth can make such choices ...

Foreshadowing g keeps hinting she will be safe ring way worse as if that will excuse the grooming.

Is there ever going to be a change to the story where I won't see them later as adults making choices they were groomed into as children?

I don't really care about the pain aspects; if masichists or others are into it, that's fine by me. Enjoy. That the girl child at sexual maturity will be a masochist is no excuse for grooming her, enslaving her or selling her as a sex worker before that.
Huh, so it's uncomfortable all around (and consent is a big rage-quit trigger with me). I've been reading quite the disturbing/squicky/horrifying list in the last year or so, but I always dither starting each one. I'll wait another week filled with romance and fun and see whether I join up.
Debbie's Spurts 8 years ago
I haven't read very far in this. It's not exactly portraying rape or non-consent; I just question that groomed, enslaved children are capable of consent even though they are fine with everything.