Comments: 17
Degrees of Affection 11 years ago
I think I'd like to work on this. Though I'm starting to rack up book challenges. *sigh*
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
No reason one book cannot work for multiple challenges ...
The Nrrdling (Aryn) 11 years ago
I'm stealing this for my blog. I'll cross post here, but I'll be doing the main posts over at
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Sure thing. Does it do anything for your blog if anyone posts links to their challenges there? (I'm not sure how all those linky, hop-py, whatever blogsite things do)
The Nrrdling (Aryn) 11 years ago
Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm so new to Wordpress that I still have to write notes to myself to remember to post there when I see movies and things.
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
I think you have to join or sign up for affiliate links or something; I'm not sure how it works either. But, I know I'm not on one of the blog sites or in any of the programs so if you or anyone else want me to add a link that gets you something -- no problem.
Gecko's Corner 11 years ago
I'm in on this one... fun and easy is all I need at the moment.
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Despite all my goodreads-bashing posts and ramblings while moving data to booklikes -- I'm not good at writing daily posts on anything. (When first on booklikes I really enjoyed the 30-day book challenge because the tag/title let me find people and get to know their books but it was tough for me to do daily and tough to pick just one favorite/worst or interpret some of the other categories)
Gecko's Corner 11 years ago
I like the blogging thing, I tried it before... but I'm not an avid reviewer and do to this in a foreign language is even harder. But I take it as the real challenge for 2014... to write more and learn more English and not be so wimpy. But your challenge is a little extra... and a help to keep posting.
I might try the 30 day book challenge in January, when my advent calender stuff is over. It's always good to have something to write about, because sometimes my brain doesn't come up with creative stuff on it's own.
Well, I don't know whether I'm going to be able to do both this and the A-Z Challenge, but since they both only call for a very limited number of books, I'm going to give this one a try, too!
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
No rule against using the same book for both.
I already did, hoping that would be the case! :) It so happens that one of the books I got for Christmas also fulfills one of the letter criteria of "A-Z" ...
What happened to all the extra challenge buttons? I'd started to use one of them, but now the link seems to be broken ... :(
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Challenge buttons?
Debbie's Spurts 11 years ago
Did you mean widgets? (If not finding the jpg file shown in coding, you copy any of these graphics somewhere and use that link or link to them in this post. I'm not completely sure how booklikes stores all the file stuff.)
No, I meant the actual challenge buttons in this post -- I'm using two different ones of those. Turns out to have been a browser display issue, though ... I can happily report that they're back! :) But thank you!
Veggiemomof2 (guest) 11 years ago
I'm jumping in on this one. Thankfully I already did the Jan challenge before I even knew of this.