Comments: 3
Hooked on Books 9 years ago
Wow King didn't leave an open/ambiguous ending? I'm surprised! Lol Nice review btw!
Cody's Bookshelf 9 years ago
Awesome review. I hope to finish reading EOW tomorrow.

Gotta disagree with you on the retirement thing. You make a lot of good points, but King has threatened retirement before and always came back. He threatened it with the publication of IT, after the accident, after DT was finished.... Frankly, I wouldn't believe him if he said he was ceasing publishing books until we went, say, 2-3 years without a new King novel.

Like you, I think the final Jack Sawyer novel is coming soon, and it might be the last 'big' King novel. He's working on a novel with Owen. His PA/admin of the SK message boards said he's 'working on new ideas' every day. And he has a new short story called 'Music' (I think?) coming out in December. He seems to be in fine physical and mental health, so I don't see why we couldn't see more King novels for another decade at least — unless he just decided to not publish.

I dunno. I hope you're wrong lol.