Comments: 3
That's because romance isn't written with a template in mind.

They might not be, but I heard that there were rules like a hero and heroine had to meet by the third chapter in college to qualify. And a whole shitload of other rules, which can make them seem formulaic if true.
Elly Helcl 10 years ago
Wow...I broke a whole bunch of rules in Tia's Folly then...You would have to get to book three to really understand :D
I'm not sure Tia's Folly would be classified as romance so much as having romantic threads. There are a lot of books in chick lit and literature that have heavy romantic themes - without being romance.

Which is okay. Sometimes I like those more than just flat out romances.

Wow. That mother thing is creepy in Friday the 13th two. I'm... totally not distracted by my former crush.