Haha - I want to read it so bad, but I feel like I should pace myself or something - there are like 12 more to go!! I'm also semi worried I'm going to completely lose myself in this series. o_0
Also, please tell me the Kaleb you are referring to isn't the same Kaleb that just made an appearance in the one I just read!? I.e. the homicidal new Council member!?!
Haha - well it looks like his book is far down the line so I have a while to reconcile myself to the idea of him as the romantic lead.
In a series with this many books you can't expect them all to be winners, so I'm totally prepared for a few duds in the mix.
Question, should the whole series by read in order? From some of the synopses it sounds like some might be stand-alones? The ending of Visions of Heat though made it sound like there is some build up to an eventual revolution that will be part of a wider arc throughout the series? If so, can't say I love that idea. :/
(not that I will stop reading or anything though) :D
I was just curious. Right now I have no desire to read out of order, but it's good to know - thanks!
I have a feeling I have an idea about the arc, but for now I'm just going to try to enjoy them rather than worry about what's coming up, I think. (I have a tendency to obsess about series plot developments o_o) Thanks though!
Also, please tell me the Kaleb you are referring to isn't the same Kaleb that just made an appearance in the one I just read!? I.e. the homicidal new Council member!?!
In a series with this many books you can't expect them all to be winners, so I'm totally prepared for a few duds in the mix.
Question, should the whole series by read in order? From some of the synopses it sounds like some might be stand-alones? The ending of Visions of Heat though made it sound like there is some build up to an eventual revolution that will be part of a wider arc throughout the series? If so, can't say I love that idea. :/
(not that I will stop reading or anything though) :D
I have a feeling I have an idea about the arc, but for now I'm just going to try to enjoy them rather than worry about what's coming up, I think. (I have a tendency to obsess about series plot developments o_o) Thanks though!