Comments: 3
9 years ago
I think this was the second audiobook that I listened too, and I found it a little boring, I originally thought maybe, audiobooks aren't for me?? I'm glad I kept listening to them though, because I really like them now. I've never continued this series either, and don't know if I ever will. It was way too tame, for an apocalypse.
Hooked on Books 9 years ago
Yeah narrators can just ruin an audiobook but I agree this book was just boring anyways even without the crappy narrator. I noticed the next book has a totally different setting and characters and it doesn't look like it's told in a journal style so maybe I'll give it a try one day but it's not real high on my list either... I went through the same thing though with audiobooks when I first started listening to them and then I came across one that was narrated really well and I was like wow -now I see why some people like audio! : ) It makes a world of difference doesn't it?!
9 years ago
Yeah, for sure.