Comments: 8
Elentarri's Book Blog 7 years ago
Next book is supposed to be out on the 8th of May.
Hooked on Books 7 years ago
Yeah I saw that! : ) I was so excited we don't have to wait months for the next book. I hope they're all released that close together. That would be nice!
Elentarri's Book Blog 7 years ago
8 May, 7 August, and 2 October 2019. Not sure why they didn't just put all the stories into one book, since each book is only about 150 pages anyway.
Hooked on Books 7 years ago
That's wonderful news! I was thinking they're releasing them separately to make it more of a serial and to correspond with his journal entries. And of course & probably the main reason- to make more $$. They're going to pull in alot more cash by releasing them separately then as one book.
Elentarri's Book Blog 7 years ago
The books are a bit expensive for 150 pages. I will borrow froom the library and hope they print an omnibus edition or a set of all 4 for cheaper.
Hooked on Books 7 years ago
I'm planning to listen to the audio version again. I really liked the narrator Kevin Free. I just hope he's narrating all of the books.
Elentarri's Book Blog 7 years ago
Got hold of the audiobook - not bad. At least I stayed awake through the audio and didn't goof off (which is what usually happens). I was sorting our my history book cabinet at the time, so it was nice to listen to Murderbot and just the right length too.
Hooked on Books 7 years ago
Yayy- that's awesome! I'm glad you liked it!! If the narrator is good, it really makes the book come to life but if they're bad, they can definitely ruin the experience.