Comments: 13
Claire loves to read! 10 years ago
Insomnia is dreadful! Hope your appointment with the Dr is helpful x
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
He scheduled me for a blood test, which I will dutifully submit to even though I hate needles. I hate feeling off more than I hate needles :).
10 years ago
I hope everything turns out okay. (I hate needles too.)

I totally understand about this cover though. I love it.
I do the cover lust thing too, all the time. I have even bought shelves just for individual books based n cover lust!
I will make a post, soon, of my current cover lust,and the book itself gorgeous.
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
I'd love to see that!
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
Just an update: Was hypoglycemia that slayed the Jessica. Hahaha. They are still running my blood, but they made me prick my finger for a blood sugar test. It was woefully low. I was thoroughly chastised for eating poorly lately (which I totally acknowledge) and warned (once again) that I'm pre-diabetic and need to take care of myself. *sigh* Adulting is hard. At least when I was hypoglycemic as a kid, my mom prodded me to eat right.
Sarah's Library 10 years ago
As an actual diabetic I recommend more long-acting carbs, less fast-acting sugars. If you're going to have fruit, bananas are the best as they are one of the slowest acting fruits, don't overdo the fruit juice (one glass of juice, with no added sugar, is equal to two to three pieces of fruit). Make sure you eat a serve of pasta/rice/potato/bread/pumpkin with EVERY meal (that's breakfast, lunch and dinner, not morning or afternoon tea). If you begin to feel hypo symptoms come on your fastest acting choices (that won't ruin your appetite too much) are four to six jelly beans (depending on how bad you feel), one of those tiny boxes of sultanas (dried fruit is almost as sweet as jelly beans), half a cup of normal soft drink, or the same of no added sugar fruit juice. I inject insulin five times a day and prick my finger at least four times. It's a shame (and not just for me) that we can't swap for a week. Anyone with even a CHANCE of developing diabetes would be looking after themselves to the max after 28 blood tests and 35 injections (and that's on a good week, when I haven't had any hypos or hypers that have necessitated extra blood tests or injections). I hope you're feeling better soon and that you can find an eating routine that works for you and keeps you healthy.
10 years ago
I'm glad it's something you can do something about.
OTOH, eating right is SO HARD.
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
Thanks Sarah! I agree, I'm lucky and I know it. Work stress made me stop taking care of myself, and that's bad. My doctor said all the same things you did, and so I made some breakfast sandwiches for the week and bought a bunch of bananas. I also have a big jar of dried fruit in my work cabinet just in case. My mom is diabetic. It runs in my family, and I know that I have to watch how I'm taking care of myself. Work or not.
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
*hugs Char* Eh, the sad part is that eating right actually isn't hard. It's just more work. When we were really busy, people kept bringing in donuts and pastries for breakfast. I know they were trying to help make everyone eat, but that's exactly what I shouldn't have been eating.
Sarah's Library 10 years ago
Sorry Jessica, I've just read what I wrote yesterday and I realise that I sounded very sanctimonious and self-righteous. That wasn't my intention, I just know what it's like to be a diabetic and I'd do almost anything to be able to go back to before I was diagnosed and do something as simple as eat differently in order to change my fate (not that what I did or didn't eat as a young child could have changed my eventual diagnosis, but you know what I mean).
Jessica (HDB) 10 years ago
Not at all Sarah! My mom is diabetic, and so is my grandmother and both of my grandfathers (before they passed away). It runs in my family, and I know that it is a burden. It's good to reminded of how lucky I am and how much I need to take care of myself. I've been blessed so far. I shouldn't take it for granted :).