*gag* I don't know which makes me spew more -- Amazon being called an "authentic customer review system" or the continual equating customer opinions of commercial products with bullying.
(And, frankly, I think the Twitter mess with E.L. James was as sick and uncalled for as it would be for non-fans to have showed up ruining an author's real life book signing or other event. It was E.L. James' event; whatever anyone's opinion of her, her writing or the books -- keep it to your book reviews and book discussions but don't invade the author's events, on or offline, with it. I loathed what I sampled of her books, but, she was taking the time to interact with readers if only via a scheduled Twitter appearance--not the place/time for nastiness.)
(And, frankly, I think the Twitter mess with E.L. James was as sick and uncalled for as it would be for non-fans to have showed up ruining an author's real life book signing or other event. It was E.L. James' event; whatever anyone's opinion of her, her writing or the books -- keep it to your book reviews and book discussions but don't invade the author's events, on or offline, with it. I loathed what I sampled of her books, but, she was taking the time to interact with readers if only via a scheduled Twitter appearance--not the place/time for nastiness.)